Great Memories!

Digital technology has changed many things in our world. A couple of years ago Jan spent hours during summer months to scan some 21 photo albums worth of family memories into a digital format so we can more easily enjoy our photographs – and reduce an entire cabinet of photo albums to a manageable plastic bin. Now she is working on the task of digitizing Dad Baden’s large collection of slides so they can be viewed on our computer. The process has already brought back many great memories! For quite a few years Dad Baden served as a ranger-naturalist during summer months at Glacier National Park in Montana. We thought you might be interested in seeing some of his photos. As you can see, Jan (pictured here with her mother) got an early introduction to the beauty of Glacier! img099 Dad Baden often led hikes to a small glacier which originated, for at least some of the hikers, at the lodge which was located on the lowest of three lakes in a beautiful mountain setting. img024 Many visitors to Glacier enjoyed crossing the lake from the lodge on boats which ferried passengers across the water to hiking trails – saving some time and many steps on what could easily be a full-day hike.  Dad Baden led many of these hikes and traveled across this lake several times a week.img049 Many happy hours were spent hiking on the numerous trails which traverse the park – like this beautiful trail which Jan and Mom Baden were enjoying when the picture was taken. img036 The mountainous terrain provides spectacular views from the heights which Jan’s family, and especially her Dad, enjoyed reaching. img102 But Dad Baden was not the only one who ascended to the heights in the park. For many years Mom Baden was quite an avid hiker as well. img082 Dad Baden’s knowledge of botany made the family unusually sensitive to the beauty of flowers which appeared throughout the park as the summer months passed. Here is a picture of a lovely lady (Mom) among a showy floral display. img037 The park, of course, was also the year-round home for many kinds of animals. Grizzly bears were a subject of concern, but it was always a more welcome experience to come across some of the deer which lived in the area. img041 When Dave entered the Baden family picture he was blessed to enjoy some of the amazing scenery which the family had been enjoying for years before his time among them. img014 What great memories we have of Glacier National Park – clear evidence to each of us of the amazing greatness and creative genius of our great God!