Cool Trip

Dave and Jan headed east in early March to see what winter is like in the state of Utah.  They have driven through the town of Cedar City on previous vacation trips and camped overnight at the local KOA campground, but were curious to know what winter weather would be like in that part of the country.  Because the town is at an elevation of 5000 feet, it was predictably cool, and there were even times when snow was falling.

Cedar (86)

But is wasn’t snowing most of the time, so Dave and Jan had some fun exploring the town during their visit – including the downtown business area.


The town’s population is around 30,000, so it is large enough to have many of the conveniences of a population center.  There are no shopping malls, but it is likely that Cedar City’s stores which are connected indoors preceded many of the malls larger cities have.

The indoor attractions in this part of town include an old-fashioned soda fountain in a colorful variety store.

The largest employer in town, after earlier lead mining operations faded out, is Southern Utah University – home of the annual Shakespeare Festival.

A nice series of in-town trails for walkers and bikers circles much of the town and some of its parks and other attractions.

One of the features Dave and Jan find most interesting about the town is its proximity to the mountains.  Brian Head, one of the state’s premier skiing areas (not that Dave and Jan are skiers) is in the mountains around 25 miles east of town – where it is reported that there are hiking and biking trails and a resort setting where summer temperatures can be expected to be comfortable.



It was a cool trip!  And the Cedar City area is an area Dave and Jan hope to visit again because of the natural beauty which surrounds the area – one of the many beautiful areas the Lord has created for His people’s enjoyment!

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