Here and There

The Cedar City area offers many opportunities for fun family outings – many of which these days are spent primarily with Stephen and Meagan’s children, Ryan (8) and Erin (5), while Stephen and Meagan tend to the business of managing the Top Spot Drive Inn Restaurant and Gas Station. So Dave and Jan enjoyed a recent hike up a wash near their house where there are fossils to be found! Here are two rocks with fossils in them from Jan’s collection.

Ryan and Erin enjoyed success in scouring the wash in search of some fossils of their own.

As a part of the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, Cedar City held an event which included a “slow roll” around several downtown city blocks which were blocked off for the occasion. Dave and Erin and Ryan took it in on their bicycles while Jan walked to keep an eye on Erin.

On another evening, when Meagan was helping with restaurant duties, Dave and Jan took Ryan and Erin to nearby Three Peaks County Recreation Area for a barbecue meal and some hiking on the rocks.

There are many things to see and do in southwestern Utah, and Dave and Jan are looking forward to spending some time with not only their son Stephen’s family, but also their daughter Alissa’s family. As Dr. James Dobson famously observed, nobody ever arrived at the end of their earthly days saying “I wish I had spent more time in the office”! Dave and Jan are grateful for the blessing of their family!

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